Monday, July 25, 2016

Fifth Grade: What Can You Expect?

I've done a lot of thinking about the fifth grade year, and how to teach well.

There's so many details when it comes to the teaching/learning year. And amongst all these details, you have to stay flexible and keep an open mind to who your student are and what interests, needs, and contributions they'll bring to school.

Essentially, as the year takes shape, and according to what I know now. This is what one can expect at fifth grade this year.

This is your classroom.

Who Are You? What Are Your Expectations, Interests, and Needs for the Year Ahead?
Introductions, assessments, conversations, and share. 

We Are a Team!
Learning about team with the Global Cardboard Challenge and a visit to Gillette Stadium to engage in a real world STEAM study activity. Teamwork and study throughout the year with our Open Circle/Social Competency programs and efforts. 

Everyone Can Learn. We are All Learners
Studying and embracing to learn behaviors and mindsets.

Independent/Collaborative Reading, Writing, and Composing Throughout Multiple Genres
A steady diet of reading, writing, and composing throughout the curriculum.

Social Studies Lens
Learning about and engaging with the world through geography, history, current events, and social competency.

Learning the science standards through reading, research, writing, expert visitors, field studies, and lots of hands-on exploration and experiments.

Data Tells a Story
Mathematics is used in many ways to tell a story, make sense of situations, and support critical thinking and decision making. Graph literacy is integral to using math data to tell and interpret facts and figures. 

Numbers: Math Ingredients
Exploring, investigating, creating with, and manipulating numbers as a primary ingredient of all mathematical study and application.

Math Systems
Learning about the definition of systems and applying that knowledge to the study of the base-ten place value system.

Virtual Space Exploration
A visit to the McAuliffe Science Center to learn about space in hands-on way. 

Area, Perimeter, and Volume
How and why do we measure area, perimeter, and volume, and why do we do this?

Math Operations
Analyzing, practicing, and applying the many ways one may "operate" on and with numbers to solve problems and demonstrate relationships.

Measurement Conversions
Review and application of common measurements and measurement conversions.

Parts and Wholes
A thoughtful study of fractions and decimals with real world application. A potential related study of States of Matter with a lens on proportional thinking.

Studying two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures. Looking at where those figures exist and how we describe these shapes with mathematical terms, size, and relationships. 

Water Study and Conservation related to the Local Environment
Students will utilize STEAM to study and apply identified standards as they learn about our local wetlands habitat.

Teamwork and the Arts
The Fifth Grade Play and a potential trip to see a musical performance too. 

Global Changemakers
Modeling the study with a focus on Frederick Douglas and a visit to the African American History Museum in Boston. Then independent research, writing, creativity, and presentation related to notable global changemakers throughout time.

Assessment Leads Instruction
Focus on informal and formal formative and summative assessments at the classroom, school, system, and State levels to inform instruction. We will embark on the Next Generation MCAS for the first time this year. 

In the days ahead, we'll firm up the loose-tight curriculum schedule to create a map for daily, weekly, and yearly plan to support this study.